What Can Designers Learn from Lady Gaga?

Last night I watched the VMAs (in a misguided attempt to support Chelsea Handler.) Lady Gaga cleaned up with eight awards including Best Video. Her tearful acceptance speech thanking her fans, who she refers to as her "little monsters," was amusing and touching. She got me thinking, "What can Lady Gaga teach me?"

On design: "When you make music or write or create, it's really your job to have mind-blowing, irresponsible, condom-less sex with whatever idea it is you're writing about at the time." The difference between a good design and a great one is that the great one was made with heart, it conveys emotion. If you're feeling uninspired and robotic, your designs will reflect that. Get inspired about your next project and the result will shine. Visit our site for more information Chicago Web Design.

On branding: "I used to walk down the street like I was a fucking star... I want people to walk around delusional about how great they can be- and then to fight so hard for it every day that the lie becomes the truth." The moral is that a designer can only be as big as they appear. Believe in your ability, charge the full amount that your time is worth, and people will see you as the proverbial rock star designer.

On marketing: "You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way. I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time." On fashion alone, Lady Gaga is known as a force to be reckoned with. Her collaboration with designers and utter dedication to aggressive fashion has netted millions in free press. When your portfolio is both well executed and emotionally inspired, it will speak for itself.Read more article on Web Design.

Lastly, love your work and you will succeed: "I am focused on the work. I am constantly creating. I am a busy girl. I live and breathe my work. I love what I do."


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